¿Truth? ¿Reconciliation? Es buena idea empezar por escuchar las voces que importan

Algunas semanas atrás, DIÁLOGOS compartió, con el Ontario Mapuche Support Group, una presentación pública dedicada a las Residential Schools, y hemos publicado a lo largo de estos últimos meses numerosas notas enfocadas en la Verdad y la Reconciliación. Sin embargo hoy, 30 de septiembre, el primer National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, aceptamos la invitación de la periodista Angela Sterrit, de la nación Gitxan. .


Para ello, queremos compartir 10 excelentes notas aparecidas originalmente en el portal TYEE, escritas por periodistas de diversas naciones indígenas, que nos permiten un acercamiento a sus problemas y vivencias desde su propia perspectiva.

Canada’s Coming Crisis with Indigenous Peoples
By Geoff Russ

Are you open to understanding the depth of alienation felt by Indigenous people? Contemplate the perspective of journalist Geoff Russ, a member of the Haida Nation, who writes: “Unless this state’s toxic relationship to Indigenous people improves, huge numbers, and maybe even a majority of Indigenous people, will fully reject Canada in the future. Many already do, and they belong to the younger generations who will soon be leaders.”

Story by Story, Canada’s News Media Built Indigenous Oppression
By Katłįà (Catherine) Lafferty

At the core of Canada’s colonial construct is the Indian Act, created “not just by politicians but also Canada’s press, each feeding the other in a vicious circle of denigrating stereotypes and justifications for genocidal policies.” Katłįà Lafferty, a member of the Yellowknives Dene First Nation, traces the history and issues a challenge: “If Canada’s news media helped to bring to life the Indian Act, it can also help to dismantle it.”

Thriving Together: Salmon, Berries and People
By ’Cúagilákv

A celebration of the nourishing salmonberry grows into an examination of how western science excludes Indigenous ways of knowing. As ’Cúagilákv (Jess Housty), a member of the Heiltsuk Nation, contemplates the “stewardship obligations that are written across our lands and waters,” she concludes her people must constantly reaffirm “the choices we make about what knowledge becomes part of our systems, how it is passed down, and how it is actualized.”

For First Nations, These Are Precedented Times
By Hilistis Pauline Waterfall

Have you heard it said the upheaval caused by the COVID-19 pandemic is “unprecedented”? Hilistis Pauline Waterfall, who is Heiltsuk, reminds that colonialism delivered smallpox, measles and Spanish flu epidemics that wreaked havoc on her people. “The removal of our children to residential schools far from home was also a form of plague. It devastated our people’s health and well-being as much as the diseases visited upon us.” Such traumas “forced us to be strong, resilient and adaptive.”

Wahkohtowin: A Cree Way of Living
By Andrea Smith

When Andrea Smith joined The Tyee as a Journalists for Human Rights’ Emerging Indigenous Reporter Fellow, she chose to report on how a traditional way of seeing the world and our place in it offers a path for communities today. The result is a series gathering knowledge from Elders and exploring how Wahkohtowin could help overcome problems ingrained in current education and child welfare systems.

How We Can Achieve Reconciliation Beyond Simple Rhetoric
By Emilee Gilpin

Three Indigenous women discuss the need for changes in education, culture and distribution of food and land. Diana Day (Oneida); Kamala Todd (Métis-Cree) and Dawn Morrison (Secwepemc) spoke with Emilee Gilpin, who sought their views when she was with The Tyee as a Journalists for Human Rights’ Emerging Indigenous Reporting Fellow. Said Day: “When the TRC came out, we were talking about truth and reconciliation, but now it’s just reconciliation. That’s a concern.”